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Hi Everyone! I will be posting about the 2020 election in this blog. I will try to the best of my ability to just state the facts and talk about this in a non-bias way.

Here are some of my favorite political podcasts to get started!

NPR Politics Podcast:

The New York Times:

BBC Global News Podcast:

NPR Up First:

I will be posting some more in depth analysis on the current candidates soon!


  1. Hi Ethan!

    When I was clicking through everyones blogs and seeing what topics they had decided on, I found yours very interesting! I am looking forward to seeing how this blog develops in the twelve weeks to come. I know personally, I don't think that I could accurately represent both sides because I would be bias.

    I also realized when you posted this that I have not been keeping up as closely as I should with the up coming election. The only person who I know is running is President Trump. I am hoping that your blog with help not only keep me updated but also keep our fellow classmates updated. I am also hoping to learn something that maybe I wouldn't have known without reading your blog.

    Looking forward to it!


  2. Presidential debates are held to decide the final contestant from both Democratic and Republican parties for the US Presidential elections.


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