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Showing posts from November, 2019

Mike Bloomberg Is Officially Running

Mike Bloomberg has officially entered the race he launched his campaign and is beginning to register to get on the ballot in some but not all states. Bloomberg seems to be skipping all of the early states and focussing on general election states such as Virginia. This strategy has never been tried before, or at least no one has done it successfully. Bloomberg had gone back and forth in his decision to run but according to his camp, he could not see any of the other Democratic candidates winning the general election so he decided to run.  His campaign will also be self-funded and considering he has started so late he may have issues getting grass-root support for his campaign. Bloomberg has defended his running with the fact he has funded and supported democratic candidates around the world for their local and national elections and found success. Is this enough for the democratic electorate to take him seriously? Only time will tell. Bloomberg has also commented that he has grea...

Tonight's Democratic Debate

Democratic Debate MSNBC Tonight we will have a debate between the remaining (and new) Democratic candidates. The recent polling out of Iowa is telling us that Pete Buttigieg is ahead of all other candidates. Buttigieg has been running a lot of ads in Iowa and spending a lot of time in the state. Many people are associating this with President Obama's election, who also won in Iowa and jump started his campaign. However, critics are saying he does not have support from key demographics of the Democratic party. Biden is still hanging onto the top of the polls with Warren and Sanders tied in some polls.  The debate stage will be interesting tonight. We still need to hear from a lot of candidates such as Andrew Yang, Kory Booker, and Amy Klobuchar. I think MSNBC did a good job of showing all of the candidates last time, so hopefully they will continue to do so. The recent polling out of Iowa will put a lot of spot light on Buttigieg and many candidates will challenge him...

We Might Have Another Candidate......

This past week former mayor of New York City and billionaire, Michael Bloomberg announced that he will be throwing his hat in the ring for President of the United States. Bloomberg has been toying with the idea of running for President for a long time now, and it almost seems like every election cycle his name (and Oprah) get brought in. However, up until now Bloomberg has not registered as a presidential candidate....until now. Let's get a little history so we can understand better: Who Is Michael Bloomberg? Michael Bloomberg was born on February 14, 1942, in Boston, Massachusetts. Bloomberg put himself through Johns Hopkins and Harvard and became a partner at Salomon Brothers. He started his own company which revolutionized the distribution of financial information and made him a billionaire. Bloomberg became mayor of New York City in 2002, and he later won election to a second and a controversial third term. Afterward, the businessman and philanthropist flirted with...

Early Polling in Iowa

Iowa is considered one of the most important states to win if you want to get your parties nomination. Historically speaking about half of the presidential candidates who have won Iowa, win their parties nomination. If you win, you'll get more press which in turn gives you a boost. Now, what it also does is show who's who and who's not going anywhere. Anyways, while the primary isn't until February 1 there has been some polling done around candidates. This is subject to change of course and isn't the most accurate opinion of public opinion. But it is a good indicator of what some voters are thinking at the moment. There are two things that surprise me about this poll. One is that Pete Buttigieg is in the third-place position. This does not align with national polls, but Iowa isn't a good representative in terms of demographics. Two is that Biden is in fourth place, but is supposed to be the front runner of the race. Again, polls are not indicators of ho...