Democratic Debate MSNBC
Tonight we will have a debate between the remaining (and new) Democratic candidates. The recent polling out of Iowa is telling us that Pete Buttigieg is ahead of all other candidates. Buttigieg has been running a lot of ads in Iowa and spending a lot of time in the state. Many people are associating this with President Obama's election, who also won in Iowa and jump started his campaign. However, critics are saying he does not have support from key demographics of the Democratic party. Biden is still hanging onto the top of the polls with Warren and Sanders tied in some polls.
The debate stage will be interesting tonight. We still need to hear from a lot of candidates such as Andrew Yang, Kory Booker, and Amy Klobuchar. I think MSNBC did a good job of showing all of the candidates last time, so hopefully they will continue to do so. The recent polling out of Iowa will put a lot of spot light on Buttigieg and many candidates will challenge him. Biden is also supposed to be challenged as well because he is still leading national polls. This is the first time we will see Tom Styer, the billionaire business man, politician, and activist. Many are not taking his run seriously due to the fact that he donated pretty much all of his campaign budget himself.
I saw A LOT on Twitter about the candidates that were NOT involved in this debate. Very interesting strategy to try and participate as the outsider on a different platform. Somewhat effective I think.